by Five Cats Pedals | Mar 7, 2021 | KiCad Tutorials
Sometimes, no matter how neatly and hard you try…there’s no-way to get everything on your board laid out without using a Via. What is a Via? Simply put it connects the top layer of your board another layer, using a tiny copper plated hole allowing you to...
by Five Cats Pedals | Mar 7, 2021 | KiCad Tutorials
You want to have nice graphics on your board right? We sure do – and it’s not hard to make that happen!Firstly – It makes sense to create a library before you import any graphics or make your own custom footprints for parts (if you already have this...
by Five Cats Pedals | Mar 7, 2021 | KiCad Tutorials
Schematic done, it’s time to get those components laid out – but…you want to make sure you lay them out in a space that’s going to fit the enclouse it’s going in right? Well – you can draw it out in PCBNew (see our guide to this...
by Five Cats Pedals | Mar 7, 2021 | KiCad Tutorials
You’ve got your Schematic done, imported your DXF edge layout (see here) and laid out your components – now you need to connect them up! One key thing to remember is to change your trace width. By default KiCad (as of version 5.1.8) defaults trace width to...