Vesuvius Fuzz

Vesuvius really loud fuzz. This board is a modded version of the EQD Erupter.


Vesuvius Fuzz - really loud fuzz. This board is a modded version of the EQD Erupter, using some easier to find transistors and extra trim pots for ease.

The main dial set at 12 o’clock gives you a slight volume boost and days of sustain. Turning it left and you get a more gated, lower output - turn it to the right and you get a louder, more refined.  Our board has an additional trim pot for output volume which can also be wired to a pot to give you additional control over the output. We've also added a trim pot to make it easier to adjust the feedback resistor - easier than swapping/changing resistors around aint it!


  • Bias
  • Volume (internal trim pot)

Compares to: EQD Erupter

Additional information

Compares to EQD Erupter
Build Docs Vesuvius - V1.0 – Build Docs
Schematic Vesuvius - V1.1 – Schematic
Interactive B.O.M Vesuvius – Interactive B.O.M (.zip download)
General Build Guide Five Cats Pedals - General Build Guide V1.1
Transistor Finder
Mega Packs from Five Cats Pedals