Noise Gator – MXR Noise Gate Clone

A simple and effective noise killer


Based on the classic MXR Noise Gate, it does what it says on the tin – cuts out all the unwanted noises of your signal chain, hum, fizz, hiss and all those noise gremlins usually associated with the high gain drives and the likes. A one knob noise killing solution.


  • Threshold

Additional information

General Build Guide Five Cats Pedals - General Build Guide V1.1
Compares to MXR Noise Gate
Build Docs Noise Gator – V1.0 – Build Docs
Interactive B.O.M Noise Gator V1.0 – Interactive B.O.M (.zip download)
Schematic Noise Gator – V1.1– Schematic
Transistor Finder
Mega Packs from Five Cats Pedals