One Punch – Greer Amps Sucker Punch Clone

Early JCM tones with a small parts count


The One Punch is our take on the Greer Amps Sucker Punch Clone

An overdrive that doesn't cram too much into one pedal and has 3 simple controls - Gain, Tone and Volume. The tone sweep goes from really thick OD to cutting, sharp tones.  Think early JCM tones in a super small parts count build.


  • Gain
  • Tone
  • Volume

Note: Remember to socket any IC's and transistors!

Compares to: Greer Amps Sucker Punch

Additional information

General Build Guide Five Cats Pedals - General Build Guide V1.1
Build Docs One Punch – V1.0 – Build Docs
Interactive B.O.M One Punch – Interactive B.O.M (.zip download)
Schematic One Punch - V1.0 - Schematic
Compares to Greer Amps Sucker Punch
Transistor Finder
Mega Packs from Five Cats Pedals